Upcoming church events.

Wed. Night Adult Bible Study
The war in Israel and its constant news coverage has many on edge. It's important to understand what is happening so we don't live in fear. Beginning Wednesday, November 8th, at 6pm, I'll break from my current Bible study and spend 5-6 weeks covering the subject of Israel. Is Israel a land or a people? What does it mean for Israel to be "chosen?" Who is Hamas? Who are the Palestinians? What is a two-state solution? We will answer these questions and others as we take a past, present, and future look at Biblical Israel.

Sundays at First
We welcome your family to our Sunday morning service, where we joyfully celebrate Jesus Christ together.
Is this your first time at First Baptist? Here is what to expect when you visit.
Childcare is happily provided. Bring the whole family and let us take care of the rest!

Wed. Night Adult Bible Study
The war in Israel and its constant news coverage has many on edge. It's important to understand what is happening so we don't live in fear. Is Israel a land or a people? What does it mean for Israel to be "chosen?" Who is Hamas? Who are the Palestinians? What is a two-state solution? We will answer these questions and others as we take a past, present, and future look at Biblical Israel.

Alive 365 - Youth Worship Service
Join us in the Student Center at 5:30 for youth dinner and hang-out.

Sundays at First
We welcome your family to our Sunday morning service, where we joyfully celebrate Jesus Christ together.
Is this your first time at First Baptist? Here is what to expect when you visit.
Childcare is happily provided. Bring the whole family and let us take care of the rest!

Wed. Night Adult Bible Study
The war in Israel and its constant news coverage has many on edge. It's important to understand what is happening so we don't live in fear. Is Israel a land or a people? What does it mean for Israel to be "chosen?" Who is Hamas? Who are the Palestinians? What is a two-state solution? We will answer these questions and others as we take a past, present, and future look at Biblical Israel.

Alive 365 - Youth Worship Service
Join us in the Student Center at 5:30 for youth dinner and hang-out.

Sundays at First
We welcome your family to our Sunday morning service, where we joyfully celebrate Jesus Christ together.
Is this your first time at First Baptist? Here is what to expect when you visit.
Childcare is happily provided. Bring the whole family and let us take care of the rest!

Wed. Night Adult Bible Study
The war in Israel and its constant news coverage has many on edge. It's important to understand what is happening so we don't live in fear. Is Israel a land or a people? What does it mean for Israel to be "chosen?" Who is Hamas? Who are the Palestinians? What is a two-state solution? We will answer these questions and others as we take a past, present, and future look at Biblical Israel.

Alive 365 - Youth Worship Service
Join us in the Student Center at 5:30 for youth dinner and hang-out.

Iron Works - Men's Group
Iron Works - the Men's Ministry of First Baptist Church. We are excited to announce the relaunch of our monthly men's meeting and dinner this year on the first Tuesday of every month. Join us January 9th at 6pm at "The Barn" located at Gene Carter's place. Guest speaker is Pastor Eddie Blalock, Pastor of The Orchard Community Church.

Sundays at First
We welcome your family to our Sunday morning service, where we joyfully celebrate Jesus Christ together.
Is this your first time at First Baptist? Here is what to expect when you visit.
Childcare is happily provided. Bring the whole family and let us take care of the rest!

Church Office Closure
The church office will be closed from December 25th through January 1st. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

"One Incredible Moment" - Christmas Musical
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors on December 17th at 6pm for “One Incredible Moment”, a Christmas musical worship experience featuring contemporary worship, handbell choir, children’s choir, and more. Come and celebrate Christ with us!

Discover First: Membership Class
Our next Discover First class will be December 17th at 9:30am. If you are interested in knowing more about membership at First Baptist, this is for you. Child care is provided. Please contact the church office if you plan to attend.

Senior Adult Luncheon
All seniors are invited for food, music, and fun on December 5th at 12pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Annual Church Business Session
At the conclusion of the morning worship service on 11/26, the 2024 proposed budget, along with the list of committee/council members for 2024 will receive a vote for approval with no discussion.
No Wednesday Night Activities!
Wednesday night activities (dinner, AWANA, adult bible study, and youth group) are cancelled this week! Happy Thanksgiving.

Trunk Or Treat
This year’s Downtown Trunk or Treat is 10/31 from 6-8pm. We will be collecting wrapped candy throughout the month of October. Look for the collection boxes in the main lobby.