Your One

March 2nd, 2025

One is a powerful number. It speaks of priority, focus, and undivided attention. Imagine the impact of every Christian having one person whose heart they were burdened and broken over—one person whom they identified as lost and committed to praying for an opportunity for their "one" to hear the gospel. Today, we begin our 3:16 series, focusing on "Your One." Join us as we highlight the worth and value of just one.

Sermon Notes:

Outside the Gate

February 23rd, 2025

On the doctrine of atonement, Martin Luther, the German reformer, wrote: "There is a certain mystery to the atoning work of Christ. One has sinned. Another has made satisfaction. The sinner does not make satisfaction; the Satisfier does not sin. This is an astonishing doctrine." There is an interesting phrase in our passage today, "outside the gate." A lot happened outside the city gate, where our atonement was secured. Join us as we examine the high cost of our atonement and observe the Lord's Supper.

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Forgiveness Leads to Forgiveness

February 16th, 2025

Matthew 6:14-15

Hebrews 12:6-7

Matthew 18:21-35

James 2:13

Psalms 51:6-12

Finish Strong

February 9th, 2025

Most Americans are in denial about death, leaving it to hospitals and funeral homes rather than for everyday conversation. We prefer to talk about almost any other subject. To finish strong, we must start with the end in mind. The scenes from the end of Paul's life help us understand this. Join us as we look at Paul's instructions for finishing strong.

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Fighting Temptation

February 2nd, 2025

Satan loves to entice and tempt us with options that oppose God's desire for us. These options are known as moral intersections. What we do when we arrive at these intersections will either glorify God or have devastating effects on those around us. In Genesis 39, Joesph taught a masterclass on how to handle moral intersections. Join us as we look at the message, "Fighting Temptation."

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Joining God on Mission

January 26th, 2025

Today is a big day. Core values keep our feet firmly planted and fuel our overall mission - that mission starts at home. We believe saved people serve, choosing to live on mission with God and commit to being an outwardly focused church who engages our families, neighbors, communities, state, and the nations with the life-changing message of the Gospel. Join us for the conclusion of our Whats Next series.

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Seeing People

January 19th, 2025

Core values keep our feet firmly planted and fuel our overall mission - centered on people. We believe each individual matters to God, possesses value, and deserves the opportunity to hear the good news of the Gospel. What’s needed today to reach the people who are lost, hurting, pushed to the margins, uncared for, and without hope in this world with the Gospel is to first see them. Join us for the continuation of our What's Next series.

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Family Matters

January 12th, 2025

Core values keep our feet firmly planted and fuel our overall mission - a mission that starts at home with the family. We believe God established the family as the bedrock of human society and commit to teaching families to follow Jesus together. The relationship between church and home is complementary - each working in concert for the growth and success of the family. Join us for the continuation of our What's Next series. #family

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The Gospel

January 5th, 2025

Core values keep our feet firmly planted and fuel our overall mission. As we head into 2025, those values will position us to be of greater meaning and impact on the next generation. It all begins with the gospel. We believe the gospel is the most incredible love story ever told. If we get the gospel wrong in our churches, it doesn’t matter what we get right in our churches. Join us as we begin our What's Next series.

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Not as Planned

December 29th, 2024

Matthew 1

Prince of Peace

December 22nd, 2024

We are at times inoculated by the incarnation and even bored with the baby in the manger because we tend to focus only on the infant Jesus. Isaiah describes Him as the “Prince of Peace,’’ literally, “The prince who’s coming brings peace.” Christmas is the story of God coming down and changing our story. Perhaps the most beautiful part of that change is from an enemy of God to a son or daughter of God. Join us as we conclude our Rediscover Christmas series, focusing our attention on the Prince of Peace.

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God’s Gift to Us

December 15th, 2024

The challenge and the reward of shopping is to find a gift that blesses the individual because it conveys our care for them. So, at best, our gift-giving is a display of love. If there is one thing the season of Advent reminds us of, it is this: God is the model gift-giver. He gave us the perfect gift with the right motive. In doing so, He demonstrated how we steward that gift of love to others. Join us at as we look at part three of our Advent series.

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Mary’s Song of Praise

December 8th, 2024

Amid all the tinsel and trimmings – the flash and splash and amid the push and the pressure of buying presents and going to parties, and all the rest that goes with Christmas in our day - it's good for us to go back to the Bible and rediscover the meaning of Christmas. We do that by focusing on the source of true joy - the coming of the Christ-child. Join u as we explore Mary's song of praise offered as an expression of worship, adoration, and gratitude.

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A Promised and Living Hope

December 1st, 2024

Far too often, our Christmases have become chaotic and overwhelmingly busy. We pack our schedules with so many seasonal events. Our stores start pushing Christmas decor and merchandise, fueling a gift-buying frenzy in October. Our season of peace quickly becomes a season of stress. Advent is an opportunity to set that aside. It's a time to prepare our hearts and help place our focus on a far greater story than our own— the story of God's redeeming love for our world. Today, we begin with the message of hope. #advent2024 #RediscoverChristmas

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Come to the Table

November 24th, 2024

If you look through the photo albums at our home, they would likely not convey the same emotion and meaning as they do our family. Why? The lack of intimate relationships. Similarly, the Lord's Table may not mean much to those not born into His family, but for those who have, it stirs in our hearts thankful memories of His sacrifice for us. Join us as we examine what it means to Come to the Table.

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Telling The Next Generation

November 17th, 2024

Children are important to us as a church because children are important to God. The formative years of a child's life are critically important for their spiritual development, primarily within the family and the church. If not there, where will our children learn about the Lord? In our passage, Asaph challenges us to remember our responsibility to tell the next generation about the Lord. Whether you are a parent or don't have children or children at home, we are the household of faith - the family of God. We all share the responsibility.

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Praying for My Pastor

November 10th, 2024

Exodus 17:8-13

The View From the Choir Loft

November 3rd, 2024

Have you ever struggled to believe? It can happen to any of us at any time because life is complicated and sometimes perplexing. Today, we will learn about Asaph, a worship leader in the temple. His struggle to understand what was happening around him offers us a unique perspective from the choir loft. Our passage invites us to go with him on his journey from doubt to faith.

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October 27th, 2024

Some things make us groan and cause us to question if God is somehow against us, angry with us, or punishing us. In Christ, we live unconquered lives despite the forces of darkness that assail our lives continually. In our passage today, Paul asks a series of questions. He doesn't simply ask them - He throws them out into space, almost defiantly, challenging any creature in heaven or earth or hell to answer them or to deny the truth contained in them. When the saints go marching in, they may do it with a limp, but they do so just the same. Join us as we look at two powerful truths that settle the groanings.

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Faith & Politics

October 20th, 2024

Our hope doesn’t sit in the statehouse or the White House. Real, genuine change – the kind politicians promise to bring ad nauseum – only comes through a changed heart when an individual responds to the gospel message. However, we still live in a fallen and sinful world, and God has ordained the system of government to protect the innocent and maintain order. We should strive to quote the platform of the King and less of what we hear of our pet political pundit. Jesus Christ must be Lord of our political views and the attitudes that we share with others. Join us as we see how our faith and politics intersect.
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Running on Empty

October 13th, 2024

Our vehicles have warning lights that tell us when we're in danger of running out of fuel. If we ignore them, we risk being stranded. "Running on empty" pushes the boundaries. Burdens, tragedies, and consistent stress cause us to run on empty. Because our burdens are not simple, they are not relieved by simplistic platitudes. Jesus stepped into our heaviness and invited us to find solace and rest for our weary souls. Join us as we look at this invitation. 

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What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

October 3rd, 2024

Are you okay? How are you doing? What are you going to do?
These and similar questions have been asked lately. What seems like simple and harmless questions can be overwhelming when storms have overtaken your life. Sometimes, we must admit we don't know what to do. The prophet Habakkuk found himself in a similar position, receiving disturbing news from God regarding Israel's future. His book challenges us to put our faith in God during the worst of times - regardless of the circumstances.

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The Spirit of Offense

September 22nd, 2024

The prodigal's brother of Luke 15 harbored an offended spirit that kept him from the joyous celebration of his brother's return from the far country. Today, that spirit keeps many believers from enjoying fully connected and meaningful relationships with others. Join us as we answer key questions surrounding this spirit.

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The Senselessness of Worldliness

September 15th, 2024

Psalm 49:1-20

Mess or Masterpiece

September 8th, 2024

We look around and see terrorist attacks, mass shootings, and other acts of senseless violence that leave us wondering how one person could treat another that way. Man's heart is wicked and far from God by nature. The answer has nothing to do with religious ideology or political affiliation. The answer is the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. In Ephesians 2, Paul tells us of this beautiful gospel that frees and changes. Join us to see how the gospel moves from us from a Mess to a Masterpiece.

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Note: Audio cuts out halfway through service due to a technical difficulties. It comes back on a little bit later.

Deal or No Deal

September 1st, 2024

Satan is playing a sinister and calculated game of Deal or No Deal against believers, families, and the church today. He wants us to deal away and sacrifice what we have for the illusion of something better. Today's passage will show where Pharaoh offered Moses four deals in four specific areas, mirroring Satan's tactics. We must know how to shut him down and pronounce "game over." Join us as we examine his game.

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In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day

August 25th, 2024

Every believer is involved in an unending battle greater than anything the world has ever seen. In an obscure Old Testament passage, a man named Benaiah battles a lion in a pit on a snowy day. Through this encounter, we learn something about our enemy and how to be battle-ready in life.

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Chasing Excellence

August 18th, 2024

We're prone to phone things in. Students phone-in tests. We phone in a day's work. We phone in our Bible study, prayers, and even worship. Teachers phone in their Sunday School lessons, and some pastors even phone in their sermons. Excellence is an everyday decision. It shows up in the details of life and the church's life. The OT prophet Haggai spoke on behalf of God to the people of Israel about their lack of excellence. Join us as we look at what it means to chase after excellence.

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Finding Calm in the Chaos

August 11th, 2024

Our world is upside down and in a state of chaos. The institutions we have long trusted are falling apart and under assault. Natural disasters upend our lives, and sin affects all of our relationships. In Matthew 14, we read about a chaotic day in Jesus' life. Examining this day can give us insight into navigating our chaotic times.

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Mission or Intermission

July 28th, 2024

In the final message of our Staycation series, we will address this question: Given what we have learned about advancing the correct kingdom, building bridges into our communities, and seeing people as Jesus does with missionary eyes, what keeps us from living on mission? Join us for the answer.

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Missionary Eyes

July 21th, 2024

It doesn’t require an in-depth analysis of our communities to see that people are hurting everywhere. As we move around our community, we see the struggles, challenges, and effects of sin in the lives of those we know. Jesus often encountered people in similar conditions and was moved with compassion. How the church views people is important and tells of its heartbeat. The church can see the harvest through one of three sets of eyes. Join us as we explore the vantage point the church is to take toward the harvest.

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Gospel Bridges

July 14th, 2024

Bridges allow people and vehicles to move freely and allow access to otherwise inaccessible areas. There are segments of our communities, pockets of people, who’ve never heard the good news of the gospel. As we live on mission, we must know the invisible barriers. Building bridges is critical if we are to reach unbelievers with the gospel. In our passage today, we see Paul settle in and begin building bridges for gospel advancement upon his entrance into Athens. Join us for part two of our Staycation series.

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Reordering Kingdoms

July 7th, 2024

No passport, no problem. Being actively involved in missions and living on mission doesn't require travel documents or a plane ticket. Today, we begin a new sermon series, Staycation; Living Life on Mission, with an introductory 30,000' look at reorienting our thoughts and priorities around the Kingdom to understand better and serve our local community.

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Verified True Followers of Christ

June 30th, 2024

We're repeatedly asked to verify our identity in our online activities, be it banking or social media, such as checking boxes that prove we're not robots or selecting the boxes that show all the traffic lights. The goal is the same—verify that you are who you say you are. The world needs Christians to be who they say they are. Is there a verification process for us? Not in the same way as banking or social media – but the apostle Paul, in his letter to the Roman Christians, laid out identifying marks Christians should possess. Join us at 10:45am as we examine these marks.

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June 23rd, 2024

A blind spot is an area around your car that keeps you from seeing others on the road. But, it isn't just an area around your vehicle, but an area you can't see in your own life. We all have areas that, due to our brokenness, we can't see. Our blind spots are due to our biases, education, preferences, and even outright disobedience. What's interesting about blind spots is that we have difficulty noticing them in ourselves. Such is the case with the church at Laodicea. They thought they were in good shape yet were blind to what mattered most. Join us as we examine how their blind spots may be ours.

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A Legacy of Faith

June 16th, 2024

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The Waiting Room

June 9th, 2024

We're all familiar with waiting rooms and approach our time in them differently. At times in our lives, we find ourselves waiting for an answer from God, as was the case with Habakkuk after he shared his questions and confusion with God about what he saw around him. What he did while he waited was important. Join us as we learn how to take advantage of the waiting room.

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Swimming Upstream A Renewed Mind

June 2nd, 2024

Downstream is easy and requires little to no effort. It’s fun. Downstream allows us to check out of our surroundings. On the other hand, upstream is challenging and requires much effort. It’s serious. Upstream requires us to pay close attention to our surroundings. After eleven chapters of doctrinal instruction, Paul transitions to practical application - challenging the Romans to be living sacrifices for the Lord who swims upstream in this world.

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Meet Him At The Cross

May 26th, 2024

To be a follower of Christ is to accept the discomfort of a way of life inspired and empowered by a cruel, rugged old cross, a symbol of scorn and degradation. It is to join His journey of abandoning comfort and enduring suffering, a foolish journey in the eyes of the world. Everything uncomfortable about Christianity begins with and returns to the cross. Jesus challenged His followers, saying that following Him meant denying themselves and taking up their crosses. Join us as we explore this challenge.

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Turning Back Isn’t The Way Forward

May 19th, 2024

Going back is often so much easier. We've been there and done that—it's familiar territory. The Galatians found their new faith in Christ challenging, and the way forward didn't look easy. They were tempted to turn back to the familiar—their old life. When living a gospel-centered life, turning back isn't the way forward. Join us when we examine why a life in Christ is worth all the hard work.
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Courageous Love

May 12th, 2024

Mothers aren't perfect. That fact should take some pressure off mothers today who don't meet their expectations of motherhood. Beyond that, mothers aren't expected to be perfect. Our passage today tells the story of two unnamed mothers who made a series of bad choices. But when faced with a decision regarding her child, one mother made a selfless and courageous decision for love. Join us as we look at this mother's decision.

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Forgiven for Real

May 5th, 2024

A primary issue robbing the church of its power and keeping it from growing is Christians refusing to live as forgiven people. The familiar adage, "Don't get mad, just get even," sums up the world's philosophy of dealing with someone who has wronged you, and it has also infected the church. Joseph had every human reason to be angry and bitter and withhold forgiveness toward his brothers. Instead, he chose the divine path of grace and forgiveness, an example for us all. Join us as we study Joseph's choice of genuine forgiveness.

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Psalm 98

April 28th, 2024

Guest Preacher - Phillip Herrington

Church Crush (Part 3)

April 21st, 2024

Think back to your dating days and early crushes. Along the way, the infatuation gave way to serious commitments such as familiarity, trust, and common bonds formed with your partner. When we understand the necessity and benefit of committing ourselves to belonging to the local church, we find joy and stability alongside others in a faith family—the cure for the church crush. Join us as we conclude our Church Crush series.

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Church Crush (Part 2)

April 14th, 2024

Last week, we established that "crushing" results from taking our attention off Jesus Christ and putting it on people and things of less significance. With so many preferences and personalities vying for our attention in the church today, it is no wonder it is difficult to unite and easy to "crush" on superficial things—becoming disjointed and divided. We need a unifying point – a mooring that is consistent, secure, and capable of withstanding the shifting tides of culture. That morning is the biblical gospel. Part two of our Church Crush series examines Paul's encouragement to Timothy to make the gospel the center of everything.

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Church Crush (Part 1)

April 7th, 2024

We crush on other churches. We look for and want the perfect church – whether we say that or not – one free of problems and drama. The loss of focus is at the root of the “Church Crush” issue. It’s taking our attention off Jesus Christ and putting the focus on the people and things that are of less significance. The apostle Paul was dealing with a church that had problems like this – some within the Corinthian body were “crushing” over individual leaders, causing division. Join us as we begin our new sermon series, examining Paul's defense of unity.

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Easter Sunday Jesus is Alive

March 28th, 2024

Palm Sunday: Following The Right Jesus

March 21st, 2024

In the Triumphal Entry, Jesus declared Himself to be Israel’s Messiah, but not the kind of Messiah they expected. As He entered Jerusalem, the fickle crowds were shouting in acceptance. But, only a few days later asked for His crucifixion. The change is due to a lack of understanding of who He is and His reason for coming. Palm Sunday challenges us with an important lesson: make sure that you follow Jesus because of who He is, not because of what you think He might provide for you. Join us as we explore the reasons why we should follow Jesus.


March 17th, 2024

This morning we examine two people on opposite sides of the "sinner" vs "righteousness" spectrum and see how the two really look through the eyes of Jesus. Join us this morning as we look at Luke 7:36-50 and learn that through Jesus we can live unfiltered, and truly experience what true forgiveness is.

Between Two Worlds

March 10th, 2024

How we live this one non-extendable, non-repeatable, non-transferable life is paramount. Our work is not meant to provide our ultimate fulfillment in life. Christ provides our satisfaction and fulfillment in this life. The Christian sits between two worlds – living at the intersection of faith and the marketplace, balancing vocation and calling. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian believers in their newfound faith to help them understand how the gospel informs their view of faith and work. Join us as we study what it looks like to sit between these two worlds.

Things Remembered

March 3rd, 2024

Memories are precious; they keep us connected to people, places, and events that shaped who we are today. At the Last Supper, Jesus shared a Passover meal with His disciples, planting an important memory in their hearts and minds. He shared this meal for their benefit and ours. As Jesus raised the bread and cup in thanksgiving, He added new meaning and significance to that ancient meal. Join us as we observe the Lord's Supper together.

Man in the Mirror

February 25th, 2024

The man in the mirror can be forgetful, disobedient, and difficult to deal with. The man in the mirror can know what he should do and at the same time walk away doing what he wants to do. We are, at times, our own worst enemy. James used the analogy of the believer coming face to face with God’s Word as a man would see himself in a mirror. God’s Word places a demand on our lives and brings a choice. Join us at as we explore James’ call to faithfully respond to God’s Word.

In Christ Alone

February 18th, 2024

Becoming a Christian means making a life-changing, eternity-altering decision, surrendering your way of reaching God for His acceptance, and resting in Christ's finished work on the cross. It means accepting your lostness, helplessness, brokenness, and inability to do anything about your fallen condition and finding forgiveness of sin in Him. It means being "in" Him. It's not the same as being "in" an organization, a club, or the service. Join us while we examine what it means to be In Christ Alone.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 50)

February 11th, 2024

If you like complete closure, the ending of Acts may disappoint. It ends with a big “to be continued.” Luke didn’t intend to write a biography of Paul. He set out to describe the unstoppable progress of the gospel. Luke leaves us with Paul preaching the mighty gospel of the kingdom in Rome. And in choosing to walk away from the story here, Luke masterfully keeps the King - not Paul or anyone else - the hero of Acts. That is a fitting conclusion. With the beginning of the early church coming to an end in Chapter 28, what can we do today to live out its beginning as the New Testament church of today? Join us as we conclude our Acts series.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 49)

February 4th, 2024

Having appealed to Caesar, Paul would go to Rome—no doubt about it. However, God did not promise smooth sailing along the way. As we serve Christ, there will be storms, hardships, high seas, breakdowns, and shipwrecks—but also peace, comfort, assurance, fruitfulness, and the sustaining presence of God. The record of Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27 is suspenseful history but is also a metaphor for what all Christians experience in their voyage through life. Join us as we continue our Acts series.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 48)

January 28th, 2024

In Acts 26, Paul finds himself in front of a stately celebration in honor of a morally bankrupt couple who stand between him and his passage to Rome. They, and the large crowd assembled, will hear Paul’s last, longest, and most theologically pointed apologetic to date. Contained within are practical principles for every believer to be aware of when engaging unbelievers with the Gospel. Join us as we continue our Acts series.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 47)

January 21th, 2024

As Christians, we will face circumstances that can be frustrating or fruitful, depending on our outlook. If we see things only from a human perspective, we’ll grow impatient and frustrated, seeing it all as a waste of time. We must learn to view our circumstances from God’s sovereign and providential perspective to combat that. In Acts 25, Paul finds himself again delayed and having to defend himself against false accusations. It would be easy for him to give up, as it would be for us. His perseverance and trust in God’s plan for his life encourage us all. Join us as we continue our Acts series.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 46)

January 14th, 2024

Acts 24 reads like a courtroom proceeding. Typically, charges are filed, the prosecutor presents the case, and the defendant answers the charges. After hearing the arguments, the judge renders a verdict. But this case has some unique twists because of the nature of the alleged crimes, the defendant, and the judge. This story reminds us of some fundamental truths about those who oppose the gospel and about being faithful to the gospel. Join us at 10:45am as we continue our Acts series.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 45)

January 7th, 2024

In a text where we see no commands or exhortations, no instances where the names of God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit are not mentioned, no miracles, no direct message from the Lord, no believers praying, no explanation of salvation, and no exposition of biblical doctrine, we're left to wonder, "Why should I bother with it at all?" Like the book of Esther, we see the doctrine of God's providence saturating the pages, hidden but seen.

Guest Speaker Dr. Henry Cannington

December 31st, 2023

Christmas Plans

December 24th, 2023

"Do you have plans for Christmas?” and “What are your plans for Christmas?" - These are questions we ask and receive often this time of year and speak of intention and forethought. God's plans dominate and uphold the Christmas story. I hope you've made your “plans” to join us tomorrow.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 44)

December 17th, 2023

One of the important pieces of an effective defense – of an effective apology – is that our actions line up with our words. Truthfully, our words speak loudest when they align with our actions. Our kids are watching to see if our words are backed up by action. The world is watching to see if the words of the church are backed up by action. In Acts 23, we see Paul dealing with the matter of consistency related to apologetics.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 43)

December 10th, 2023

Believers must be effective on offense, taking the gospel to the nations. But we also have to be effective on defense – ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us. To this point, Paul has been playing offense; now we will see him playing defense. From Acts 21-26, we will see Paul deliver five apologetic speeches – patiently, boldly, and with great care laying out his reasons for belief in Jesus Christ. His defense provides practical tools and tips for our inevitable defense as well.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 42)

December 3rd, 2023

This morning's passage involves Paul’s ongoing travels, his interactions with believers along the way, and what he believes is God’s will for him to do - and where he is to go. In his travels, we see some challenges in front of us as we seek to know and do God’s in our lives. Join us as we examine one of the most practical messages in our entire Acts study.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 41)

November 26th, 2023

Goodbyes are difficult. And the last words associated with goodbyes can be some of the most meaningful and impactful we will ever hear. As Paul said goodbyes to the Ephesian elders, he wanted them not to remember healings, exorcisms, and outward successes. Instead, he wanted them to remember his examples as a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Join us as we study Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesians.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 40)

November 19th, 2023

Paul is headed from Ephesus to Macedonia, then to Greece. He is wanting to collect an offering for the Jerusalem church, but he is also wanting to encourage the churches God helped to plant and be mutually encouraged. Paul has put many miles under his feet, Join us this morning at 10:45am as we look at Paul’s commitment to the gospel, the importance of fellowship and community, and being lead by the Holy Spirit.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 39)

November 12th, 2023

Most of us have never had to face opposition because of our faith. We go about our daily lives in relative safety, while Christians in other countries suffer terribly for their faith. We should, however, not be surprised if it does come. Our text today records Paul and his missions partners caught in a disturbance in Ephesus, not just against Paul personally, but against "the Way" - an early designation for the Church. Join us when we learn why opposition comes and how to stand firm when challenged for our stand for the Gospel.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 38)

November 5th, 2023

Ephesus was the waterhole for every kind of magician, witch, clairvoyant, and criminal. It was considered the Dark Castle of Asia Minor. Again, – as he did in Athens – Paul inserts the gospel - a message that elevates the crucified, risen Son of God. A message that calls each one to daily crucify the flesh and worship God, who created the Universe with our entire being. With a counter-cultural message in a city given to evil and darkness, Paul faithfully assaulted the Castle Dark. Join us as we see what happens when the power of the Gospel comes against the forces of darkness.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 37)

October 29th, 2023

Jesus gave His people a commission: one to evangelize, baptize, teach, and disciple. The book of Acts is filled with examples of God’s people living out this commission. This section of Acts reinforces the importance of disciple-making and gives us some illustrations of what it looks like. It introduces us to a variety of teachers and students in a variety of contexts. Join us as we observe these examples and take a look at our own disciple-making practices.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 36)

October 22nd, 2023

Paul was a man consumed with a desire to please God. Preaching the gospel throughout Europe, he found success among great difficulties. This dichotomy is not unusual for believers today. As we join him in Corinth, we will learn lessons about how God responded to Paul. We will also see how He responds to his children in times of difficulty and how His response encourages us to continue in the work He has called us to.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 35)

October 15th, 2023

Our major challenge as a New Testament church is finding the most effective way to communicate Christ’s gospel to our world. It requires smart engagement. Join us as we visit Paul at Athens and learn how to better engage our world with the life-changing gospel from his interaction with the people at Mars’ Hill.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 34)

October 8th, 2023

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," Dickens said it, but it could also have summed up the apostle Paul's ministry travels and experiences throughout Asia and Europe. Today's tale of our two cities rests on a small but critical detail - attitude toward the Word of God. Although Thessalonica and Berea share many similarities, the Bereans teach us a valuable lesson about our approach toward the Scriptures.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 33)

October 1st, 2023

Message presented by Pastor Steven Perry.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 32)

September 24th, 2023

We live in a world of directional signs -signs that help safely guide us along the way to our destination. The same elements are in our lives as believers concerning God's working and moving in us. Today's passage will show how God changed Paul's plans. As a result, he learned something about God's movement of His people. Join us as we see how God's direction doesn't fit into the neat little formulas we sometimes hear on how He works. #acts16

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 31)

September 17th, 2023

**Interrupted due to power surge** In Acts 15, we see what we know as the Jerusalem Council coming together to deal with this heavyweight issue to defend the integrity of the Gospel. As we studied last week, the main point was that the Gospel is a hill worth dying on. From this Council, a letter was to be sent to the Gentile church informing them of the decision made by the Jerusalem church. The actions of the church leaders arriving at their decision are noteworthy. Join us as we look at what happened in Jerusalem that day.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 30)

September 10th, 2023

Throughout the history of the church, there have been what can be described as "hinge" moments - defining, pivotal moments marked by intense attacks from within or from outside the church and the demand for a new spiritual determination and drive. In Acts 15, we see such a moment with two parties at odds with each other with the most serious of subjects at hand – how a person is saved. Join us as we see the gospel's exclusivity defended and the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone affirmed. #TheJerusalemCouncil

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 29)

August 27th, 2023

Through Acts 14, we should be hearing, feeling, seeing, and sensing the heartbeat of God. You may ask, “What is the heartbeat of God?” The heartbeat of God is that He would be worshipped among all people. Thus far, Luke has painstakingly demonstrated that God is on a mission for Himself – for His glory. God is not waiting on us to get started – He is already at work in the world – inviting us to join Him. Our posture as believers is to be “living on mission.”

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 28)

August 20th, 2023

Sermons tell a story. They tell God’s story of His interactions with His people through time through His law, prophets, and finally, His Son and how He expects His people to apply His teachings. Today’s sermon - about a sermon- will focus on the story of a people long ago and what God desires to do with people today. Join us as we study Paul’s Acts 13 sermon and see how he connects Israel’s storied past to their need of a present Savior.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 27)

August 13th, 2023

Acts 13 marks a turning point in our story. We now witness missionaries being sent out instead of people being forced out due to persecution. We are all familiar with Murphy’s Law – it also exists within the church and can apply to our ministry efforts. As Paul and Barnabas sailed, spiritual battles awaited them, complicating their efforts. We must see ourselves as the warring church - not one looking for a fight – but one fully aware of the spiritual battle we’re engaged in with our enemy.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 26)

August 6th, 2023

In Acts 12, the Palestinian period of the church closes. Before the gospel's full-court press across the Roman world, we see a display of God's authority and power to deliver His people from difficult circumstances. Here, we see God's people's prayers and sovereignty coming together. Join us as we examine how these two work together to overcome opposition and advance the church's message.

Lord’s Supper Service

July 30th, 2023

A photo album’s value belongs to the one born into the family. For those born into God’s family, the Lord’s table stirs within us memories of His sacrifice for us. When we come together as a congregation of believers and take the bread and cup, we symbolically proclaim the Gospel. Join us as explore the significance of the Lord’s Supper. #thegospel

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 25)

July 23rd, 2023

The hand of the Lord was with the early church, and it unleashed them for ministry. As we arrive at the end of chapter 11, we’ve seen the Word of God move from a Gentile individual to a Gentile household and now to a predominantly Gentile city. Though Jerusalem is not eclipsed, there is a sense that Antioch functions as the Gentile “mother church.” Join us as we seek to learn from what the early church experienced in terms of church growth.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 24)

July 16th, 2023

In the encounter between Peter and Cornelius, we see the Holy Spirit fall on the Gentiles in what is known as the Gentile Pentecost. It signified their acceptance before God and entrance into the body of Christ on the same basis as the Jews—through faith in Jesus Christ. The walls of separation had officially fallen - for good. Join us as we are again reminded of how God sees people. #acts10

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 23)

July 9th, 2023

One of Peter’s biggest challenges to overcome was internal – his lifelong attitude toward Gentiles. Despite all his love and devotion for Christ, his attitude could have strangled his ministry and reduced Christianity to just another off-shoot of Judaism. God began to develop in Peter a proper attitude toward the world. One in which he would see people as God saw them - worthy of salvation. Join us as we continue our Acts series focusing on the idea of how we see people in the world today. #acts10

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 22)

July 2nd, 2023

One of Peter’s biggest challenges to overcome was internal – his lifelong attitude toward Gentiles. Despite all his love and devotion for Christ, his attitude could have strangled his ministry and reduced Christianity to just another off-shoot of Judaism. God began to develop in Peter a proper attitude toward the world. One in which he would see people as God saw them - worthy of salvation. Join us as we continue our Acts series focusing on the idea of how we see people in the world today. #acts10

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 21)

June 25th, 2023

God wants all whom He has saved to serve Him in whatever situations He puts them in. If God has saved you, He wants you to be involved in ministry in some capacity. Immediately after describing the dramatic conversion of Saul of Tarsus, Luke tells of his initial efforts in serving the Lord. Join us as we learn lessons for engaging in ministry and discover one warning for the church.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 20)

June 18th, 2023

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 19)

June 11th, 2023

This morning we will be examining three divine encounters. In meeting the risen Jesus, Saul goes from persecutor to preacher. Join us this morning as we see that no one is too deep in sin that the love of God cannot reach them, how coming to know Jesus as Lord will produce evidential change, and how our obedience far outweighs any and all cost.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 18)

June 4th, 2023

We rely heavily on technology today. While it can be helpful, God still desires and requires a living witness to share the gospel with another person. We've been learning from the Book of Acts that God has charged us with going with the gospel to our neighbors and the nations. It's not "either/or" but both/and." Today, we'll see how Philip was positioned to proclaim the gospel to someone from the "ends of the earth." Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian reminds us that the gospel is offered to all comers, requiring no preconditions, and permitting no barriers to bar anyone from being accepted as part of God's family when they repent and believe.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 17)

May 28th, 2023

The Bible gives the real accounts of real people and their relationship with God – the good, the bad, and the ugly. As we open Acts 8, we meet three men with three different hearts and three attitudes toward the Lord, resulting in three different stages of faith. Each warns and encourages us in our walk with the Lord.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 16)

May 21st, 2023

In the church's life, there are what are known as sacred cows – those special things that are usually "hands off" and, when threatened, can cause problems. In Stephen's sermon in Acts 7, he confronts three pillars of Israel's faith – sacred cows, if you will. In doing so, he challenges some of the most deeply held beliefs and traditions the world knew at the time. Tipping these sacred cows cost him his life.

Warrior Mom

Mother’s Day 2023

Motherhood shares a trait common to an iceberg - more going on below the surface than what you see above. This is true of a mother named Rizpah, whose story of loss, hurt, grief, sacrifice, pain, and indescribable love is one of the most beautiful in literature. Her actions are not those of a crazy woman but of a mother loving her children, even in death.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 15)

May 7th, 2023

This morning look at man of Godly character who faces adversity when sharing the gospel in the synagogue. Not much in given about this man named Stephen, but he is a bold witness and shining example of what it looks like to deny ourselves and follow Jesus regardless of the cost. #acts6

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 14)

April 30th, 2023

Excitement filled the early church. God was moving in mighty ways, marked people coming to faith in Christ. But all was not perfect. A sudden and unexpected controversy threatened to rip apart the early church. The leadership dealt with an organizational problem caused by growth and cultural issues they were unprepared for. Their solution allowed for shared ministry and continued growth.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 13)

April 23rd, 2023

The early church was on a collision with the forces of darkness. When warned not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, their response was to obey God, no matter what. It was a shot fired across the bow. Their decision to follow the Lord was the apostle’s Tiananmen Square moment. Like waves that pound against the beach, causing devastating erosion, we begin to see the waves of persecution crash against the church. And the waves of persecution, hatred, and intolerance continue to rage today. However, amid persecution, the disciples found joy in suffering.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 12)

April 16th, 2023

The church is in the middle of an identity crisis due to the varying descriptions of the church and the expert's ever-changing markers of success. In the early church, we see the results of those in love with Jesus Christ and are not ashamed to live out that relationship before the world. Obedience and submission marked the church – and as a result – no identity crisis.

Risen: Easter Sunday

April 9th, 2023

The reality of a risen Savior answers the questions of doubt, guilt, and death. But it also raises one life-altering question. The question comes to us from the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, where Jesus challenged Martha on the reality of the resurrection - not His only, but all of those who believe. Join us as we explore this soul-searching question together this Easter morning. #Easter2023

Missionary King: Palm Sunday

April 2nd, 2023

Palm Sunday is an opening salvo in the eventual clash of two worlds. A clash between two messages, two kingdoms, and two destinies. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, palm branches were placed in his path to symbolize victory. To the people, He was their Messiah and long-awaited king - at least for the next few days. This was a triumphant day for Jesus and a training day for His disciples. They saw two kings, but it was in Jesus they would identify – and learn valuable lessons. Join us as we examine these lessons.  #PalmSunday

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 11)

March 26th, 2023

Luke gives us an inside look at the church by telling the stories of two land sales and the offerings presented - one in obedience and the other laced with hypocrisy. He uses the two stories to highlight the kindness and severity of God at work in the church. Together they illustrate the nature of unity – describing its beauty and fragility. Join us at 10:45am as we continue our Acts series. #unity

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 10)

March 19th, 2023

They were arrested when the religious elite heard Peter and John preaching about the resurrected Christ. After their release, they were told to no longer preach in Christ’s name. Here we begin to see the beginning of the physical persecution of the early church – a hardship and opposition that came to them because of their obedience to their commission. How do – and how will – we be bold in times like these?

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 9)

March 12th, 2023

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 8)

March 5th, 2023

In our passage today, we continue to see, through Peter's sermons, the early development of Christology (the study of the person and the work of Christ). Central, once again, is the message of repentance and forgiveness. The descriptions in this passage related to the Savior reveal two main themes: glorification and suffering. These descriptions not only speak to the author of the healing of a lame man - but also describe how God sees His Son as the central figure and foundation of the Church today. #acts3

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 7)

February 26thth, 2023

A certain amount of ministry happens inside the walls of the church building. However, it is "on the street" where the church is to live out its faith by interacting with people, influencing societal norms, and shining the light of the gospel in the darkest places. The early church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, lived out its faith on the street. Join us as we continue our Acts series and look at the makeup of "The Church on the Street." #acts3

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 6)

February 19th, 2023

The early church was a healthy church. It wasn’t perfect, but God was at work as the outworking of Pentecost was beginning to change the spiritual landscape of Jerusalem. Our passage shows the church was marked by an unrelenting commitment to certain things that led to their health and, in turn, serve as an example for the church today. #thestorycontinues #acts2

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 5)

February 12th, 2023

The most effective sermon ever was the early church's first sermon given by Peter in Acts 2. His sermon was simple, scriptural, Christ-centered, and practical - serving as an example for our preaching today. Beyond the practice of preaching, Peter's sermon serves as a model for our gospel conversations.

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 4)

February 5th, 2023

Pentecost signals the dawning of the age of the Holy Spirit. On that day, the fullness of God's Spirit empowered the disciples to be witnesses to the nations. Thus, Pentecost is a catalyst for reaching the nations. If we understand this historic event, we will be challenged and burdened to see those from every tribe, tongue, and nation come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Join us at 10:45am as we look at the Day of Pentecost. #thestorycontinues #Pentecost

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 3)

January 29th, 2023

Our Christian faith is not built on speculations but on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead - a historical event that proves He is God from which everything follows. The apostles affirmed that it was true. They did not profit from their witness materially or by gaining power. Instead, they were servants who laid down their lives for the sake of the truth that they had personally experienced. Their testimony stands as an example for the church today. #thestorycontinues

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 2)

January 22nd, 2023

Six questions, referred to as “reporter’s questions,” are often asked to establish the veracity of something: when, who, how, what, where, and why. As we pick up in verse 6, Jesus charges the apostles to be witnesses for Him. A witness can testify when something happened, who was involved, how it unfolded, what happened, where it took place, and why they think it happened. How effective are we being? Join us at 10:45am for part two of our series. #thestorycontinues

Acts: The Story Continues (Part 1)

January 15th, 2023

The book of Acts begins with the last meeting of Jesus and His disciples before His ascension. It is the story of how the apostles - empowered by the Holy Spirit - took the gospel into the world and changed it forever. Join us for our new sermon series. #thestorycontinues

Religion Verses Relationship

January 8th, 2023

It is one thing to be "religious" and "do" things for God with the hope of approval. But it is another to trust Jesus Christ and belong to Him. Today's story is of a religious man who came to Jesus by night and learned that the trappings of religion and religious practice alone were not enough. It left him longing for something more – for someone else. This may be your story as well.

Capturing 2023: A New Year, The Same Choice

January 1st, 2023

In three short years, Jesus changed the world. He always made time for the people whom many would brush off and dismiss as unimportant. A recurring theme in John’s Gospel is “the hour.” Jesus understood the matter of His Father’s timing and thus is our example of how to spend our time productively for God’s purposes. To capture 2023, we must choose to make our lives count for the kingdom.