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Next Generations Pastor

The Next Generations Pastor will oversee ministries from birth through graduation. He will oversee the volunteers and ministry teams serving in children’s ministry (birth—5th grade), including Preschool/Nursery, AWANA, Children’s Church, and Vacation Bible School. He will provide direct, weekly leadership and instruction to our student ministry (6th—12th grade). The entire job description can be found here.

Application Process

To apply for this position, please send your resume and philosophy of ministry to

Associate Pastor of Worship

The Associate Pastor of Worship will design and lead a modern, authentic worship experience for the multi-generational members of First Baptist Church of Perry. The entire job description can be found here.

Application Process

To apply for this position, please send your resume and a link to a video of a recent worship service you have led to


About FBC Perry


First Baptist's vision is to help people take their next step toward and with Jesus Christ. Founded in 1856, the First Baptist Church of Perry has a long legacy of making a kingdom impact on this community and the nations. Expanding missions partnerships extends the gospel reach of First Baptist beyond our city. Our weekly worship attendance averages 170, with 90 attending Sunday School. Notably, there has been a rise in the number of younger adults with school-aged children, particularly in the last two years, leading to a 25% increase in our nursery/preschool attendance. First Baptist Church of Perry is in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Florida Baptist Convention and is a member of the Taylor Baptist Association. While First Baptist Church is situated in the Bible Belt, one-third of the community claims no religious affiliation, leaving a significant mission field. First Baptist is committed to reaching our city and the nations with the gospel.


Living and Playing in Perry, Florida


Perfectly settled in the heart of Florida's Big Bend Region, Taylor County and the rural city of Perry offer the great outdoors for those who love to adventure through nature and water. The area is known for its scallop season, scenic rivers, fishing and hunting opportunities, many festivals, and donuts. Taylor County showcases the best way to spend a day in small-town Florida with its quaint shops and eateries in Perry's historic downtown or along the Gulf Coast. To learn more about our city and county, click the links below: